Would you like to ascend from 3D to 5D?

Do you suffer from bloating or gut issues?

Do you suffer from Anxiety?

Do you struggle with your weight?

Do you have aches and pains that just won’t go away?

Do you want to reduce inflammation in your body?

Do you want to find more happiness?

Do you want to deepen your connection with yourself and God?

Do you want to take back control of your health and life?

Would you like to learn how to eat healthy?

Would you like to learn how to develop your own personalized healthy diet?

You CAN make a change for the better!


What you will get from this course:

Learn the Ancient Greek practices and tools to health, happiness and harmony. Practices and tools that create a healthier you and future for yourself.

Good health, happiness and harmony is achievable. It happens when you decide to step up and cause change to happen.

In this online workshop, Maria Benardis will walk you through the steps to make the changes required.

You’ll explore what the various Ancient Greek practices and tools that you can begin to incorporate in your life. This includes many of the suppressed therapies.

You’ll discover the food and mind medicine that was used in Ancient Greece for optimum health and wellness

You’ll discover some every day ingredients in your pantry that heal and how they were used in Ancient Greece to aid in good health

You'll learn the steps to the ascension of oneness with the source of all things; God.

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll learn to develop your own personalized Ancient Greek based wisdom diet; that heals and improves mind, body and spirit. 

The course is built around 10 Ancient Greek practices that challenge conventional wisdom. Through a series of videos and additional literature, Maria will introduce you to ideas that will help empower you to make changes in your life that will lead to better health, happiness and harmony. You will become a master of your own health and well-being.

By the end of this course you will also be able to make powerful changes to your diet and you will have greater clarity on what to eat every day.

The workshop is an active journey of self-reflection. You should be prepared to roll up your sleeves and reflect on your priorities and the type of changes you want to make, regardless of where you are in your health and life journey.

You’ll leave the experience transformed. All the tools and templates are provided for you to develop your personalized Ancient Greek based wisdom diet.

The course will help you return to living with agapi (Unconditional Love) and the real true diet (ancient Greek word meaning a "way of life").

Hi, I’m Maria Benardis

Health is wealth. Self- care is the new healthcare! 

Welcome to my page. I am over 50, and I am still about the Ancient Greek Practices and Tools!

The Ancient Greek practices and tools get rid of inflammation and boost the immune system so my body doesn’t feel old or achy anymore! If you struggle with inflammation, you will struggle to heal and lose weight!

The Ancient Greek Practices and Tools got me thinking better, feeling so much better, and younger! And several years ago, the doctors believed that I was likely to be a cancer statistic just like my parents. But thank you God! I’m still here.

The workshop I have developed discusses the secrets, tools and practices of Ancient Greece that lead to Health, Happiness and Harmony.

I have experienced many illnesses in my life. They include years of depression, ongoing gut and digestive issues, and cysts. I’ve had several surgeries including the removal of ¾ of my left lung and I spent many years in and out of hospital.

The doctors could not help me determine the cause or to fully heal me. I was desperate to find lasting solutions.

All my life I had been misguided into thinking that only a doctor can help me with my health issues. That unfortunately is not true. You can take control of your health and self-heal by empowering yourself with the right information.

I searched for answers and came across many ancient Greek texts that helped me. I consolidated all this information and started to apply it to myself. I healed myself by adopting these ancient Greek practices and tools that I will share in this workshop. I feel that it is my duty to share them and to help others.

This workshop is based on my book "Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health".

We will explore these forgotten ancient Greek secrets, practices and tools that were used in ancient Greece for health and well-being, happiness and peace.

The practices are preventative based not reactive solutions to health. Unlike prescribed medication there are no side effects to your health.

The Ancient Greeks had a mind, body and spirit approach to healing and everyday wellness. They believed we had unlimited power within and when we truly know and connect with ourselves, we can unleash our power and create great health, happiness and harmony in our life.

True healing requires harmony of the mind and the mouth. A mind, body and soul tuning. As I always say, the mouth follows where the mind goes. 

May the workshop help you find better health, peace, and joy!

Love and Blessings!

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